Who We Once Were

clinging to a younger version


I saw an older woman at the mall the other day who must have been around 80.  Wearing an exceptionally short mini-dress (no more than a wide belt!), a tube halter-top, teased hair doubling the size of her head and makeup putting Tammy Faye Baker to shame she tottered around on very high platform shoes!  I had 4 simultaneous thoughts: fighting-aging smaller1) Why is she dressed that way?  2) Does she really think we want to see this? 3) What’s wrong with her? and 4) Is she trying to prove 80 is the new 16?  It was clear she was clinging to a younger version of herself… a MUCH younger version!  So why do some people seem to fear aging when the natural course of Life is to change from one stage to another?  A seed’s purpose is to germinate, grow, to flower and bear fruit.  So too at…

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