Feelings Come And Go

The way we grow spiritually is by…


IM-LYINGsmallerAn issue that often surfaces when people come to Confession is guilt… specifically about feeling guilty.  I find some people have actually cultivated a habit of feeling guilty whether or not what they’ve done merits it!  Some just don’t feel right if they are not feeling guilty!  Some think feeling guilty is a sign of their desire to grow spiritually as if chronic worrying is a manifestation of maturity!  Over the years I have found that a sense of guilt which doesn’t produce a repentance manifested by different living and interacting with others is simply useless!  Perhaps even pathological!

Our culture tells us it’s our feelings that matter and decisions should be made according to what we feel.  callmewhenyougrowup smallerThis makes no sense to me!  I can wake up one morning with a migraine which puts me in a ferocious mood and if I make decisions that day according…

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